Board of Governors

Mailing Address

Tulsa Figure Skating Club
PO Box 35972
Tulsa, OK 74153


The current Board members for the 2024-2025 season and their roles are listed below. Board members are elected by the general membership to serve three year terms. The Board members then elect the officers (President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary) each year.

Any member of Tulsa Figure Skating Club can request to attend a board meeting and put an item on the agenda. Send requests to the Secretary at least 2 weeks prior to the next board meeting. Board meetings occur on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the evening.

* indicates an officer

Note (2024-07-013): Pardon the blanks here. This table is still in progress of being updated with the latest info! ~Webmaster

NameOffice or CommitteeContact InfoBoard term through
Kellie BullingtonPresident*June 2027
Stephanie GuglielmoVice-President*June 2025
Jack VestTreasurer*June 2025
Melissa MansfieldSecretary*June 2027
Taylor JonckowskiTest
George ReavesCompetitionsJune 2027
Felicity JacksonIT and Webmasteradmin@tulsafsc.comJune 2027
Social Media
Robert BakerPR/SponsorshipJune 2027
Tulsa FSC Board Members

Meet the Board


The Club governance is spelled out by the Constitution and the Bylaws. Committee structures may vary from year to year to implement and manage various programs as needed.

Required Offices:

  • President – The President will have the responsibility for supervision and management of the Club and its property, subject to the pleasure of the Board of Governors.
  • Vice President – Assist the President in the discharge of his or her duties.
  • Treasurer – Have charge of the funds of the Club and account and report.
  • Secretary – Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Club and Board, supervise all documents and reports connected with the business of the club, supervise the keeping of the role of members. Notify applicants for membership of acceptance or rejection. Supervise the correspondence of the Club and prepare issue notices of all meetings of the Club or Board.

Roles designated by the organization:

  • Test Chair – In charge of giving all official USFSA tests, and setting dates and obtaining approved USFSA judges for the tests. The Chair will maintain records of testing activities.
  • Membership – Actively administer the Club’s membership.
  • Sanctions – Obtain and ensure proper performance and competition sanctions for all club sponsored events.
  • SafeSport – Point of contact for SafeSport incident reporting and ensures policies of USFS SafeSport program are followed at all club events.
  • Fundraising – Organize and administer major adopted fundraisers such as the Poinsettias, Spring Flowers and others as developed. May be in conjunction with the Tulsa Figure Skating Foundation.
  • Competitions – Organize and implement all organized competition initiatives for the Club.
  • IT and Webmaster – Maintain the TFSC website and the club’s underlying technology services.
  • Social Media – Create posts and communicate club happenings through our social media outlets.
  • PR/Sponsorship – Communicate with external media regarding club events and competition results. Develop and maintain a sponsorship advertising program.