Welcome to the Tulsa Figure Skating Club!
We are very excited to announce that Tulsa Figure Skating Club is now accepting membership applications and renewals online for the 2024-2025 membership season (July 1-June 30). All membership applications must be through EntryEeze. We no longer accept paper applications.
Online applications link: http://comp.entryeeze.com/Membership/Welcome.aspx?cid=95
- Please note that per the bylaws of TFSC, any skating member under 18 years of age MUST have a parent or legal guardian join the club as well.
- If this is your first time joining any skating club, you are eligible for the INTRODUCTORY rate. Remember to select the introductory categories for both skater and parent to get the best discount. Eligibility will be confirmed.
- The US Figure Skating (USFS) magazine, titled SKATING, is published every quarter. One issue of SKATING will be sent per household.
- Each TFSC membership includes USFS membership, club social events, testing privileges, and the ability to purchase Club Training Sessions at a discounted rate.
- Club Training Sessions are held Tuesday and Thursdays from 6:15 – 7:15 am and may be purchased online through EntryEeze for a discounted price of $15 per session for TFSC members ($20 for non-members). Purchase a monthly package, starting at a minimum of 4 sessions, and then schedule which sessions to skate. Walk-ons for individual sessions may be allowed at a higher rate after monthly contract sales have completed if there is space available. Questions about Training Sessions? Contact Coach Stephanie for more details.
- All membership categories are voting memberships, for a term of 1 year unless otherwise indicated.
The following membership categories are offered by our club for the 2024-2025 season:
Category | Rate | Additional info |
Skater: Minor | $160.00 | Standard skater under the age of 18. Requires a parent to join as well per US Figure Skating requirements. |
Skater: Adult | $160.00 | Standard skater over the age of 18 |
Skater: Intro – Minor | $80.00 | First time a minor skater has ever joined a USFS club. Minor and Parent are both members. |
Skater: Intro – Adult | $110.00 | The first time an adult has ever joined a USFS club. Full club membership including voting, testing, social events. |
Non-Skater: First Parent/Guardian | $105.00 | Required for skaters under age of 18. This is a US Figure Skating requirement. |
Non – Skater: Subsequent Parent/Guardian | $55.00 | Entitles both parents to all the perks of the club. It really helps support figure skating in Tulsa. |
Non – Skater: Social Adult | $95.00 | Basically you love figure skating and you want to support Figure Skating in Tulsa |
Coach | $30.00 | |
Collegiate | $240.00 | Must be verified student. Once per lifetime. Eligibility verified with USFS. |
Associate | $75.00 | |
Official/Honorary/Gifted | $2.50 | This is by invitation only from the club board. |